Find Out the Importance of 7 Beautiful Indian Flowers

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Significance of 7 Indian Exotic Flowers 

India is a country of a million cultures and traditions, and so is its flora. Let us examine the importance of seven beauties of India. 

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Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

As the national flower of India, the lotus represents purity, beauty, and spiritual awakening. It is one of the most sacred flowers in Hinduism and Buddhism. 

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Marigold (Tagetes) 

Known for vibrant hues and strong fragrance, marigolds bring good luck and positivity. Widely used in festivals, weddings, and religious ceremonies, they invoke blessings and joy. 

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Jasmine (Jasminum)

Jasmine is highly loved because of its sweet aroma and is often used in the creation of perfumes and other rituals. This flower symbolizes love, beauty, and sensuality. 

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Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) 

The hibiscus, associated with goddess Kali and Lord Ganesha, symbolizes divine consciousness and power. Renowned for medicinal properties, it's also popular in teas. 

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Rose (Rosa)

Roses are well-known around the globe as the symbols of pure love and beauty. In India, it is also used as practice during religious offerings and for expressing heartfelt feelings.

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Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Sunflowers symbolize loyalty and longevity with their bright yellow petals and towering stems. Associated with sun god Surya, they bring warmth, positivity, and nutrition. 

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Champa (Plumeria)

Champa, or Plumeria, is the most fragrant and the essential oil of it finds many applications in traditional rituals. 

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From the sacred lotus to the cheerful sunflower, each flower in India carries unique significance, enriching the cultural tapestry with deeper meanings and traditions. 

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