7 of the World's Most Expensive Mango (Aam) Varietie

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Welcome to the world of luxury fruits! Join us as we explore seven of the most expensive mango varieties, prized for their exquisite taste and rarity. 


Alphonso Mango

Hailing from India, the Alphonso mango is renowned for its rich, creamy texture and sweet, tropical flavor. It's often referred to as the "King of Mangoes" and commands a high price due to its limited availability. 

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Taiyo no Tamago Mango 

This Japanese mango, known as the "Egg of the Sun," is prized for its unique shape, vibrant color, and exceptional sweetness. It's meticulously cultivated and can fetch a premium price at auctions. 

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Bombay Green Mango

Originating from Pakistan, the Bombay Green mango is celebrated for its tangy-sweet flavor and smooth texture. It's a favorite among mango connoisseurs and commands a high price in international markets. 

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Haden Mango

Named after its creator, Captain Haden, this mango variety from Florida boasts a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. Its vibrant color and juicy flesh make it a sought-after delicacy. 

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Keitt Mango

Originally from Florida, the Keitt mango is prized for its large size, firm flesh, and sweet flavor with a hint of citrus. It's harvested late in the season, allowing it to develop its full flavor profile. 

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Kesar Mango

Hailing from the Indian state of Gujarat, the Kesar mango is revered for its distinct aroma, smooth texture, and sweet taste with hints of saffron. It's often used in desserts and commands a premium price. 

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Kensington Pride Mango

Commonly known as the "Bowen mango," this Australian variety is famous for its juicy, fiber-free flesh and sweet, tropical flavor. It's exported worldwide and is highly sought after for its premium quality. 

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From the lush orchards of India to the sun-drenched fields of Florida and beyond, these seven mango varieties represent the pinnacle of luxury fruit. Indulge in their exquisite flavors and savor the taste of opulence! 

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Top 7 Must-Try Mango (Aam) Varieties in India

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